Saturday, May 9, 2015

Strip loin steak

 Strip Loin

Today I made one of my favorites, steak and potatoes and that's never a bad combo. Today I used a prime cut strip loin steak. When Grilling Strip loins you want to make sure that your steak is about an inch thick.


  1. It is really important to take your meat out at least half an hour before you are going to grill. If the meat is still cold it will cook fast on the outside and not get the even grilling that you want. 
  2. Good cuts of steak should not be marinaded or rubbed. You pay the good money for the taste of the steak. All you want to do is brush on a very thin layer of vegetable oil and then put on a bit of salt and pepper just before you throw it on the grill. 
  3. Make sure your grill is very hot before starting to cook. Place the steak on the grill and let it sear on the first side for about a minute and then flip it over. You want to do this so that you lock in the moisture in the meat. If you leave it on the first side too long there is nothing to keep the juices from being forced out of the meat. 
  4. How well done the meat is depends on the individual, but I would recommend never cooking a Strip Loin past medium and if you can live with the red color the taste and tenderness of the steak is better if you grill it to a medium rare.

The day started nicely

 The day started with some really nice weather. The moon was still hanging in the air as the sun was coming up and the sky was perfectly clear. The clear sky gave way to some clouds and rain early in the day, but a little rain isn't going to get in the way of getting some BBQing in.

Time to watch the end of the baseball game and we'll see whats cooking tomorrow.

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