Sunday, May 10, 2015

Burgers don't have to be complicated

 Lazy burgers

Not every meal has to be a lot of work to be tasty and enjoyable. Today I went with all beef frozen burgers. To make the meal a little more of a treat I picked up some fresh baked rolls instead of traditional hamburger buns. Every burger should be sculpted to the person who is going to eat them and you can really make the difference with little extra work. Today I had my standard French's mustard, Heinz 57(anything else is not ketchup), some onion, dill pickle and tomato slices, cheese slices and one of my favorites for burgers Blue cheese dressing. I'd call today a very lazy day because one of my favorite ingredients didn't make it to my burger. Bacon... mmm bacon!! next time

The whole blue cheese dressing thing actually started when I was in Hawaii. I was there for a few months and was on a tight budget. Wendy's had a $1 cheese burger which was not horrible, but kind of boring. One of the people I was in Hawaii with said that it was ok to take salad dressing with the burger because it was in the condiments section and not at the salad bar and suggested I give it a try. Well I can say that 30 years later I'm still having blue cheese dressing on my burgers. If you like blue cheese you should give it a try.

I'll make some real burgers during the summer and post a solid recipe and pictures then. 


I highly recommend that you toast your roll or bun so that the topping don't make your bread soggy.

The day started grey

 The first half of the day was cloudy, cold and misty, but it cleared up nicely and ended up a nice day.

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