Friday, May 15, 2015

Grilled Sausage and oven baked potato wedges

BBQ season is great for the tasty food that can be made and for  the fact that it's not a lot of work to make the meals. Any kind of meat and you are half way there. Today it's a simple all beef chorizo sausage. The first thing I'll say about sausage is make sure you get sausage and NOT hot dogs. Hot dogs are the worst filth that is left when all the real meat has been used for other things. It's bleached into a massive pit of crud and then colored pink to make you think it's meat. IT'S NOT!! SO check to make sure what you are getting and if you can pick up some tasty sausages from your local deli.

Potato wedges are extremely easy to make. Cut your  potatoes and then rinse then in water. put a little oil in a large bowl and toss the wedges to get them covered in a light layer of oil. Then generously season with any mix you like on your wedges. You can go as simple as salt and pepper or try some Cajun or BBQ spice. Oven to 200C. Cover a pan with tin foil and lay the wedges on the foil. I use my pan with a rack but straight on foil works. After 20 minutes you turn them all over and after 40 you need to make sure your meat is ready to go because the wedges are done.

easy food rules!

The weather was really good today. Got to see and photograph both the sunrise and late in the evening a sunset. all in all a good day.

Today's sunset

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